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[[Dosya:Flag of {{{1}}}.svg|frameless|20px|border|{{{1}}}|link=]]

Şablon belgelemesi



{{bayrak|Netherlands}} creates Netherlands

{{bayrak|Netherlands|link=yes}} creates Netherlands Netherlands

{{bayrak|Netherlands|link=Caribbean Netherlands}} creates Netherlands Caribbean Netherlands

Available flags


You can browse the available flags at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:SVG_sovereign_state_flags. Just use the text after Flag of in the filename. For example, {{bayrak|Trinidad and Tobago}} gets you Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg, which is Trinidad and Tobago. Names that have "the" are handled automatically, so you just have to write {{bayrak|United States}} to get United States. For state/province/territory flags, only Australian, Canadian and US jurisdictions that have a "the" are automatically handled. But all countries with "the" are automatically handled.

Special exceptions

  • For the US state of Georgia, you will need to enter Georgia (US) or Georgia (state). Otherwise, you will end up getting the country of Georgia
  • Victoria, automatically means the Australian state of Victoria